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Art Is Tasty

Oct 7, 2022
12:00 pm  -  1:00 pm
Location: On-site
Members: $15
Non-Members: $18
Lunch included

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Join us for a guided discussion comparing Tête de femme (Fernande) by Pablo Picasso to Head of Marcel Duchamp by Reuben Nakian and Head of Dahlov by William Zorach. Afterward, visitors are invited to have lunch in Kaffeina at the Thronson Cafe; Lunch preorders are highly recommended through advanced registration. A order form will be provided in the confirmation email. Ticket price includes lunch.

Tête de femme (Fernande), Conceived in 1909. Pablo Picasso (1881–1973). Bronze with dark brown patina, 16 1/2 × 10 × 10 1/2 inches. Anonymous Lender. © Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.