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Call of the Sun, presented by PNC Arts Alive

Aug 6, 2022
11:00 am  -  1:00 pm
Location: On-site
Members: Free
Non-Members: Free
Registration required.

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Take a cultural retreat into Pre-Colombian art with this hands-on workshop, “THE CALL OF THE SUN,” led by Aztec Chief Jose Avila of the Tonantzin Yaotecas. Chief Jose Avila will open up the session in the Museum’s Labyrinth with a ceremony to bless the day, followed by an art session during which participants will paint Aztec and Mayan sculptures to take home and learn about the symbolic meanings behind the works and their importance to Indigenous cultures.

Photograph by Andre’ L. Wright. Jr.

Organizers & Sponsors

This program is supported through a grant from PNC Arts Alive. This event is sponsored by M&T Bank, Nuestras Raices Delaware, and Guerrilla Republik. Support provided by Art Bridges. This program is supported through a grant from the TD Charitable Foundation. This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.