Due to poor weather conditions, today’s MLK Day of Service programming is cancelled.
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INTO LIGHT Delaware Tours

Nov 16, 2023
5:15 pm  -  6:30 pm
Location: Galleries 11 & 12
Members: Free
Non-Members: Free with general admission

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INTO LIGHT Delaware, currently on exhibit at Delaware Art Museum, features 41 people from Delaware who have died from drug overdose. Through the power of graphite portraits and storytelling, the project aims to change the conversation about drug addiction by humanizing those with substance use disorders, reducing stigma, and initiating conversations.

One of the best ways to educate children about drug use is by initiating conversations. Viewing original artwork and reading stories about real people who have died from drug use provides emotional connection, stimulates critical thinking, idea generation, and influences decision making.

This Tour includes a professional facilitator who will help to steer conversations, manage DISCUSSIONS and provide a platform for sharing experiences.

Image: Andrew Donovan, 2022. Theresa Clower (born 1950). Graphite on paper, 15 × 11 1/4 inches. Courtesy of INTO LIGHT Project. © Theresa Clower.