The Delaware Art Museum welcomes visitors of all abilities and provides a variety of accessible programs, events, and services. If you have specific questions, please call 302.571.9590 or 866.232.3714.
A limited number of parking spots reserved for visitors with disability placards are located by the main entrance, near the Studio Wing, and in parking lots A and B. Parking near the studio wing is not wheelchair-accessible; the path to the studio wing is obstructed and cannot accommodate a wheelchair.
Accessible Entrances
The Museum’s South Side entrance is wheelchair-accessible. The North Side entrance is a flat, paved terrace. The Fusco Grand Hall, North Side and South Side entrances, and the Studio Wing entrance have automated doors. Visitors can also be dropped off at the North Side entrance.
Wheelchairs and Stools
The Museum has three wheelchairs and many lightweight folding stools available free of charge. Just ask one of our helpful Museum Associates when you arrive. You can also reserve a wheelchair by calling 302.571.9590 or 866.232.3714.
Personal Care Attendants
Personal care attendants of visitors with disabilities receive free admission to the Museum. Simply let the Museum Associate at the Visitor Services Desk know when you arrive or call 302.571.9590 or 866.232.3714.
Service Animals
The Museum happily welcomes service animals at the Museum. Check-in at the Visitor Services Desk when you arrive and let a Museum Associate know about your friendly companion!

Restrooms and Water Fountains
Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located on all floors of the Museum. Restroom doors are not automated. The water fountains located on the first and lower floors are wheelchair accessible. Check out our Gallery Map for a full layout of each floor. Gender-neutral restrooms are located on the second floor.
All galleries are wheelchair accessible and have plenty of seating, including benches and chairs. The Museum features two elevators with braille buttons.
Seating is available throughout the Museum, including Fusco Hall, East Court, the Museum Store, and all galleries. You can also rest your feet on benches in the Copeland Sculpture Garden.
Copeland Sculpture Garden
The Copeland Sculpture Garden features a paved pathway. Tour our beautiful grounds and enjoy a variety of stunning sculptural art. Unfortunately, portions of the walkway leading up to the Labyrinth and the Labyrinth itself are not wheelchair accessible.