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Your Museum, Reimagined

Come visit the new DelArt galleries, reopening throughout summer 2021. Shaped by community feedback, the Museum’s main floor reimagines the stories told with art. Significant new artworks add depth and diversity. New design and conservation showcase the collection vibrantly and preserve it for future generations.

This reinstallation is the first comprehensive Museum rehanging since 2005. Since then, the collections have grown to include significant pieces by women and Black artists that tell a more inclusive story of the visual arts. The reinstallation also brings focus to the role of local artists and collectors in the history of art.

The Museum will remain open during these changes, with galleries closing and reopening on a rolling basis from March into September. View full Schedule of gallery closures and reopenings.

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Feb 22, 2021  -  Sep 11, 2021

Price: Free with admission


Behind the Scenes: Picturing America Salon Wall installation


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Top image: Old Brittany Farm Houses, 1902. Robert Henri (1865–1929). Oil on canvas, 25 1/2 x 32 1/16 inches, frame: 33 x 39 1/2 inches. Delaware Art Museum, Gift of Mrs. Janet J. Le Clair, 1986. Installation image of the the Sue Ann and John L. Weinberg Gallery, “John Sloan and The Eight.” 2021, Photograph by Carson Zullinger. © Delaware Art Museum.

The Museum’s reinstallation is made possible by the generosity of Sewell C. Biggs and foundations including the Choptank Foundation, the Starrett Foundation, the Richard C. Von Hess Foundation, and the Sansom Foundation. This organization is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.