Stay connected to the Museum from your classroom all year long. This is where you will find information on upcoming professional development, teacher appreciation events, workshops, and downloadable lessons and tools to use in your classroom.
Keep in touch! If you’re interested in learning more about Museum programs, art, and news, click here to join our mailing list.
Classroom Resources
Bring the Museum to your classroom today! View resources including guides, downloads, and tutorials available for immediate use.
Meet Delart artists for studio tours and demonstrations:
We are currently working to update and improve our educational resources and offerings. Thank you for your patience. If you want updates on the latest educational events, programming and resources, please sign up for our educator updates.
More art talks, gallery tours, and studio visits available on our youtube page.
Check out eMuseum, the Delaware Art Museum’s online collection and view or save images of the Museum’s collection for use in your classroom.
Professional Development
The Delaware Art Museum Education staff offers professional development opportunities periodically for school districts, parent-teacher organizations, or any group interested in learning more about the Museum’s collections and programming by request. Contact Zoe Akoto if you’re interested.
Art Smart Fund for Student Enrichment
Funding for school tours and bus transportation is available through Art Smart Fund for Student Enrichment. Learn more.
For more information, please contact:
Zoe Akoto
Manager of Learning and Interpretation